In his pivotal book, Fusion Capitalism, conservative businessman Steve Melink says the seriousness of climate change has reached the point where Republicans need to stop denying the science and to start embracing the many solutions available. “The reality is that climate change is a far greater existential threat to humankind than the coronavirus, and the longer we wait the more harm we will inflict on our children and future generations,” he states.
The good news is that our American values and economic system is ideally suited to turn this epic problem into the greatest opportunity of the 21st Century. Clean energy technologies such as solar and wind power, as well as battery storage and electric vehicles, are already the fastest growing industries in the world. And if we stop subsidizing fossil fuels and put a price on carbon, we will lead and win the Clean Energy Revolution.
Not only will this mitigate the worst scenarios of climate change and save millions of lives and trillions of dollars in property damage over the coming decades, the Clean Energy Revolution will improve our national and global economy, security, and health. For these strategic reasons and cumulative benefits, Steve argues that sustainability should be added to our pantheon of national values, along with freedom, equality, and justice.
Steve relates his personal journey of climate change awakening and invites readers to become better informed without the baggage of political bias. In fact, conservatives have a proud history of protecting the environment and human life which depends on it. For this reason, Steve makes the case that both Democrats and Republicans have far more in common on this issue than they currently acknowledge. It’s time to rise above politics and corporate greed and finally unite around the common good we all want for our children and the future.
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